my (20) ex boyfriend (24) is dating someone new and i don’t know how to feel

My ex boyfriend broke up with me 7 months ago because we were long distance, i was heartbroken and angry because he was my first love and promised me that he loved me and everything was fine. Looking back, he had a lot of red flags (he cheated on his ex girlfriend with me)

a few weeks after we broke he found someone new again and i feel so worthless and not enough. i shouldn’t care what he’s doing, he’s not a good person yet i feel like his new partner is better than me. he posted pictures together with her and he never did that with me. we were so close, told each other everything, how do people move on so fast?

tl;dr how to get over your ex moving on from you?

1 comment
  1. Step 1: stop checking up on them. Block them.

    Step 2: focus on your own life. Whatever that looks like.

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