I [27M] have been intimate (but never had sex before) with 3 different women. I’ve given and recieved oral, and done foreplay and making out, but never penetration.

During Spring of 2020, I met a woman [20F] on a dating site. We got along well at first, and then were calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend.

Now, for obvious reasons, we never met in person.

Furthermore, the relationship was quite toxic. Both of us were quite immature. I told her “I love you” several times without ever actually meaning it. I also was not attracted to her but didn’t want to admit this to myself. And when conflict arose, I ghosted her. This is what ultimately killed the relationship.

She was extremely emotionally needy. She would outright refuse to send me sexy pics if I ever did so much as went for an hour without texting her. Once I woke up late, causing me to miss a text from her, and she outright accused me of lying about when I woke up. I never received ANY compliments on my appearance, which makes me think she wasn’t attracted to me, either. I asked her what she likes about men, and she said “hands and muscles” but that “I don’t go by looks”. WTF?!? I mean, I was just as bad, but still…

There were some positives. We had our own funny inside jokes, and she invited me on a video call with her female friend, and she said to her that this was “my man” (referring to me).

So, I had a very stressful and emotionally draining long-distance “relationship ” with someone I never met in person, we didn’t love each other, never had sex, and it only lasted 3-4 weeks.

I had a date two days ago, and my date asked me if I’d ever dated anyone before. I didn’t know how to answer.

What should I say when people ask?

1 comment
  1. Say yes.. it is ok to have been in a relationship and still be virgin and it is ok to never been in a relationship and not be a virgin.

    You can always explain your situation when asked and if you comfortable but there is nothing wrong with dating someone

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