what is good when you have it less and bad when you have it more?

  1. Pain is important – ie. you remove your hand from something hot to prevent a burn or swat a mosquito. But more pain is …more pain.

  2. Waffles. You get a craving for them, then buy a 50 pack of eggos at the warehouse store. After the 3rd breakfast of eggos start to wonder why you bought such a large pack, then it’s sits in the freezer for 3 months building ice.

  3. Fat, well to be specific dont have too little fat as well but too much and you get obese!

  4. Depression, Fast food, Kids, criminal records, Friends, Diseases, emojis on reddit, NFT, to name a few

  5. Pressure. Great when you have just enough to motivate you to be better. Horrible when you feel like you can collapse under it.

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