If you don’t feel a spark on the first date, do you go on another to give the person a second chance? Why or why not?

  1. Maybe, if they invite me on a second date, and my schedule is clear, I’ll give it a second shot

  2. Yes, if they come off as a genuine, kind person.

    I usually don’t feel “sparks” until the 3rd or 4th date, once I’ve gotten to establish an emotional connection a bit better.

  3. For me, I can tell almost immediately if there’s a chance for romance or not. So if I don’t get that “feeling”, then I know we’ll just be friends at most.

  4. Yes because people can be nervous etc on a first meeting /date .if they are genuinely a decent person and there’s no reason not to I would.

  5. Yes – first meet up can be a little awkward and I hate jumping to conclusions that quickly. So, I tend to give it another shot.

  6. Unlikely. It doesn’t take me long to figure out if I want to get to know a person more. If at the end of the date I’m like “ehh, I could’ve stayed home” then a second date is pretty much off the table.

  7. When I was single and dating, no I did not. There is a certain “spark” or “chemistry” that is either there or isn’t and isn’t something that can be created through time. I could never be happy in a relationship with someone if it wasn’t there so why waste my own and someone else’s time?

  8. I’ve learned that a spark, leads to bad relationships lol. Which looking back was anxiety.

    With my current partner I literally felt nothing, but in a positive way if that makes sense. I felt emotionally safe from day one. And it still stands true a year plus later. I absolutely adore him.

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