Conversely, feel free to state an overseas insult that doesn’t carry any weight in America.

  1. “Damn Yankee” is so specific to the southern U.S. that the insult would be lost on anyone overseas.

  2. Asked a buddy of mine who’s Swiss and lived in the US for many years: the answer is douchebag

  3. Ill give you one of the converse ones you asked for. I lived in Australia and had no frickin clue what a ‘pooftah’ was. I learned eventually but when I hear it I still cant think of it as an insult, I just laugh when its said. It sounds funny when spoken.

  4. My Israeli friend told he his favorite insult in Arabic is “may you have a thousand dicks in your ass”

    From my Croatian friend: (apparently it’s a common one there) “I fucked your mother in the ass and then in the mouth”

  5. Calling someone a Hoosier. Only people in Indiana think it is a compliment. In Missouri it’s an insult.

    A friend went to work in Arkansas and they called her THE YANKEE. Not a compliment.

  6. Goober is my personal favorite. Basically an inoffensive catchall insult with endless applications.

  7. Bless your heart. Chinga tu madre. Telosico. Ol bitch ass. Mark ass trick, trick ass mark.

  8. When you start a sentence with “God love him, but…..” It’s basically a total insult, but it’s ok to say it because “God loves him.”

  9. “Head ass” lmao can be used in either insulting or just joking around. Can also be attached to other words.

    “Ol’ *insert literally anything* head ass”

  10. For the Southern USA, “Well Bless Your Heart, Aren’t Your Precious?”

    It’s a compliment when said to a toddler.

    For everyone else, it’s basically saying you know as little as a toddler and should be treated as such.

  11. *Bless your heart*

    Basically it’s southern USian for “you’re a dumb*ss”

  12. Years ago I worked with a guy from India. He up one day offered to teach us how to swear in Hindi. We went through many of the usual simple ones (ala George Carlin).

    When we asked how to say “Kiss my ass” he lost it as he said nobody in India would ever say that. He told us the literal translation.

  13. Calling someone a cunt is an extreme insult here, but in other English speaking countries guys call their friends that in a joking way.

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