I want to make my cum taste better, but I absolutely hate pinapple. Just one bite makes me have a gag reflex and I would consider eating pinapple worse punishment than death. So, what other foods or drinks I could consume to make it taste better?

  1. An all round healthy diet is a good idea, pineapple is just a gimmick tbh, most people who eat pineapple for this reason eat it the day the have sex in hopes that it would make a difference but it is a constant and sustained healthier diet that changes things

  2. Water and veggies. Grease and high protein diets make you taste worse. Your cum will take on the taste of what you eat in a general sense. But cum is still cum.

  3. Try cum.
    See if you change your mind.

    All kidding aside, a balanced diet of fruit, veg, reasonable meat positions and less processed food with a fair amount of water and you’ll taste fine.

    Don’t eat like garbage and you won’t taste like garbage

  4. I don’t know where this advice of “eat pineapple for better cum” came from, but realistically, pineapple does nothing other than give a pineapple flavor to it.

    It is much more important to find out whether your cum tastes how it’s supposed to.

    Semen is supposed to taste like protein, with only a slight salty taste. If it tastes any different, there’s something wrong.

    Drink more water. Try ACV. Stop drinking soda. Look into your diet to see if you are eating something strong that could transfer down there.

  5. I found a certain fruit juice which works for me. It contains pineapple but other fruits too, so it doesn’t taste like it much. It doesn’t have the extreme effect that I have read eating tons of pineapple has, but it removes all of the salty taste and some of the bitterness too. Makes my cum taste more like thick water with a slight bitter aftertaste. Makes it palletable at least.

  6. The thing in pineapple is bromeline and it breaks down some proteins in cum that make it bitter I think. There are bromeline supplements you can buy as pills. But the best advice is drink lots of water, eat healthy, and maybe masturbate regularly so you get fresh sperm (that last one I made up but who knows? Makes as much sense as pineapple)

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