Ok so please give me your honest opinions. My husband and I are having a huge debate. We went grocery shopping earlier today. One of our purchases was a watermelon.

I say you eat watermelon with salt. He says no way. Who is right?

I mean, I know I am. It enhances the sweetness, right? Lol

  1. I put salt on watermelon about half the time so I’m kinda in the middle. I like it with salt, but is it necessary? Eh, it’s fine without it, too. I also like it with Tajin, and…honestly I just like watermelon lol

    My son strictly insists on lightly salting his watermelon, whereas my husband is totally against the idea.

  2. I’m Team No Salt. I don’t think it’s terrible with salt when one is in the mood for something that’s both sweet and a bit salty, but I prefer it without salt.

  3. Never tried it. But if it works with margaritas, stands to reason it might for watermelons.

  4. I’ve never heard of this but I have tried and heard of using salt in sour apples to make them sweeter. You do you, even if it’s deemed the minority point of view

  5. Watermelon with a tiny bit of salt sprinkled on at the moment you’re eating it, yes.

    Do not salt slices that you then put away into the fridge for later.

    And if it tastes salty, you went too far.

  6. I hate watermelon but when I was forced to eat it as a kid I did like it better with salt.

  7. I’ve noticed that there have been more positive posts on here lately and I would classify this as a positive post.

    But still WTF? Salt on a watermelon?😨

  8. I do it about half the time. It absolutely enhances the sweetness. Just a little bit of course salt is the best. I put it in chocolate milk and hot chocolate, as well. Occasionally on strawberries.

    Y’all are missing out if you don’t try it. Salt in the right quantities makes food taste more like itself.

  9. NO SALT! Why would you ruin a perfectly good piece of healthy watermelon with something so unhealthy? Icky.

  10. There’s no right or wrong answer, it comes down to individual preference.

  11. I’m team salt all the way. The salty just adds to the sweet juiciness of the watermelon.

  12. It’s not something I like, but I recognize that some people do. So it’s not that unusual, and is strictly a personal choice. Better than someone eating cream gravy on cantaloupe. 🥺

  13. My parents eat it with salt, but I don’t. Heart conditions run in my family, so no extra salt as a preemptive measure.

  14. Salt does make it taste good, I do it on apples sometimes too. But I don’t think it’s a debate, just do both

  15. Australian here, never heard of putting salt on watermelon. It’s best eaten fridge cold just as it is, or frozen into granita. Or cut the top off, tip a bottle of vodka into the top then in the fridge for a couple of hours, scoop out boozy slush afterwards. Or cubed in a watermelon salad with feta, red onion and mint…..

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