Before I(M23) go on…I’d like to say that none of what I’m saying is in any kind of way an excuse.

Me and my partner(F27) have been together for almost 3 years…I’m not sure what happened exactly but one of the nights I was out with a friend of mine I somehow got really drunk and I can almost swear someone spiked my drink, can’t say for certain though. Anyway, as the night goes on, my friend and I were talking with some girls and I was pretty much a wingman for him. That’s what it was meant to be. Time goes by and I somehow end up in a bathroom and there’s that same girl I was talking to, it’s all super blurry but it all happened so fast and I couldn’t comprehend what was happening, she unzipped my pants, I was I guess you could say half hard and she put a condom on me and starts giving me a bj. She wanted more but I didn’t want to. I couldn’t. I collected myself and took off. I wasn’t even sure how I got home. Anyway, next day my partner wakes me up and we did the deed…I only recalled what happened the night before when I spoke to my friend later on that day. It was too late to say something. I’ve been feeling weird down there and she’s been on her period longer than usual. I’m so worried that I’ve given her something. I’m going to test myself but if I come back positive I don’t know how I’ll even tell her. I feel disgusted in myself. I can’t even look her in the eye. My heart hurts even thinking about it.

1 comment
  1. I think your girlfriend has a right to know what happened. I don’t think you should have sex with her again until you both have been tested and until you tell her the truth. I think she should get tested too. I think the sooner you tell her the better. It’s just going to keep eating away at you the longer you wait. It’s possible your drink could have been spiked. Tell her what you said you remember of the night. You just have to man up and do the right thing by telling her the truth.

    You still need to tell her even if the test comes back negative. Good luck.

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