What are some tips for starting highschool?

  1. Everyone is as nervous as you are, therefore, they are too in their heads to notice you be awkward. Relax, focus on your studies, keep out of drama and try to figure out what you want to do once high school is over. Remember you’ll probably never going to see any of those people again after graduation, but you’ll need to live with yourself forever, so work on being someone you like, not someone others like.

  2. Focus on your classes. People will come and go a lot. You are definitely gonna cry over classes, friends, etc. But there will be a ton of fun moments and memories. Get involved in clubs, sports, band, choir, etc. Make it fun and it will be good. Spend lots of time with good people. Dont let bad, lazy people influence you. You’ve got this

  3. It’s easy to do something that is cruel or mean and justify it as a joke or to impress friends. Remember to be kind to yourself and others because highschool is a really impactful time in many peoples lives and the way we are treated during this time will have a massive impact on us. Some people spend the rest of their lives trying to recover from the rejection and cruelty they faced by the hands of others, unknowingly.

    Also, ladies, saying no is empowering. You will not be finding your soul mate in highschool, promise.

  4. There will be times when you will have emotions so overwhelming that it might kinda feel like your life is ending, or like nothing will ever improve. Just remember that everything is temporary and this too shall pass.

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