Is it true that “love happens when it’s least expected”? Why or why not?

  1. not exactly an answer but this quote seems like some kind of justification for rape.

    just a random thought.

  2. You have to work at things. Maybe it’s least expected in the moment, but not because you were putting in zero work.

  3. I mean……I would say that is more the exception than any kind of rule. For a lot of people, love is something that grows and has to be nurtured. But I say all that, but it’s true my 2nd wife came intocmy life quite unexpectedly, and falling for her as quickly as I did was even more unexpected. I was a widower, seven years removed from my 1st wife’s death. It shocked and surprised me I could feel something for someone again.

  4. yea , sometimes it’s hard to hold it, and it shoots out unexpectedly.

  5. I think a more accurate phrasing would be “Love isn’t always predictable”

    “Happens when it’s least expected” sounds like a platitude you tell someone who isn’t having a good time

  6. I don’t know how universal this is, but I never started a relationship intentionally. I just hung around with a nice girl and then, after some point, we are making out.

  7. No, but has some truth to it.

    Really it’s that when you are lonely and desperately looking for a partner you make bad choices. But when you’re content and it’s not something you need, you find better partners

  8. I think people often find connection in places they didn’t expect once it has happened. And just generally, there’s a level of moving away from expectation that allows someone to seem more free, confident, etc., and that ends up attracting people.

  9. Kind of, kind of not.

    Wouldn’t surprise you that you got a girlfriend if you go on 20 dates in a day for a month right?

    But it would if one just started writing to you out of the blue. That’s kinda where the saying comes from I think.

  10. Yes. You don’t always realize how much you care for someone as you continue to build the relationship. You do it because you want to and like to, then before you know it the epiphany hits.

  11. Love happens when you’re being authentic. If you live how you want to you’ll love who wants to be around for it.

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