I’ve had this happen on several occasions and I’m trying to understand what’s going on. For starters I had sex with these women so the whole friendzone thing is ruled out. What’s the proper way to respond to something like this? Do they do this because they’re comfortable with me? Or is it something else I’m doing?

  1. I’m speculating a bit but I think its their way of telling you they are settling for you.

  2. Sadism… Most of these garbage animals that pretend to be male and Female are like this

  3. Sadism and a Weak ego and insecurity that needs to be fed because deep down she knows she is mediocre and never feels inner confidence

  4. You may not be in the friendzone but you may be in a friends with benefits arrangement.

    They clearly don’t view you as someone whom they want to “impress” or not blow things with.

    Generally speaking, if someone is truly into another person they don’t want to say or do anything which might blow it with that person. Talking about other guys isn’t the norm.

    That’s something usually reserved for their *friends* and *guys they don’t care much about*.

    Another possibility is they might feel you don’t seem to care much about them.

    Therefore, they’re telling you about other guys to let you know they have lots of options.

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