What is men’s reaction when you tell them that you’re a feminist?

  1. Well, men are not a collective, so it varies between explaining why feminism is evil because women are already equal in every way which means feminism is man hating to “ok, sure, so”?

  2. I wouldn’t be around men who aren’t feminists, so if I was to announce that “I’m a feminist” (which, doing that apropos of nothing seems weird but you do you) I’d expect them to reply “okay that’s an odd outburst but so am I”.

  3. Depends on the man. Their reaction tells me a lot about them as an individual.

  4. They clarify if I mean “radical” or “liberal”. Had to look up the difference the first time.

  5. In my experience they’re always supportive (at least to my face lol), but that’s because I make a point of only hanging out with those kind of people.

  6. I tend to only hang out with other feminists (of all genders) so they don’t say much about it because, yeah, duh, I believe in gender equality and so does any decent person.

    It’s only online that I tend to encounter men who have anything negative to say about feminism, and all the points they make tell me more about those men than about the feminist movement itself.

  7. I once told a senior of my university that I’m a feminist.His response is that he supports gender equality but he’s not a feminist.And I was like isn’t feminism about gender equality?

  8. That depends on the man, their views and beliefs of feminism, and what they know about it.

    I’ve had a few who were surprised, and didn’t think that I could be a feminist, because I didn’t hate men and have male friends. But that says more about their misconceptions than me.

  9. It’s been a long time since I’ve spent any time around any men where that would even be something worth stating. It’s just a given.

  10. I would never say it like that since it’s a given imo. I have however met men, gave my opinion on something gender related when it came up and was asked something along the lines of “oh don’t tell me you’re one of those feminist kind of girls”. The conversation usually just ends there, no need to engage any further. So it’s either a given they’re feminists as well or at least don’t mind the principles or, if I actually have to say that sentence, have already given me their reaction beforehand.

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