I’ve been inactive for a long time and recently started up a relationship. We’re taking it slow, but I got some condoms for when the time comes.

I’ve used them a few times while masturbating, and when I use them I get a HORRIBLE burning sensation that lasts for a day or two after. I don’t have a latex allergy that I know of.

These are the Trojan ENZ brand and are lubricated, but isn’t the lube only on the outside of the condom? What could be causing this?

I just found this thread. Maybe it’s the spermicide?


It seems like a common issue with these spermicide lubricated condoms so I might try some without spermicide first, but the lube only seems to be on the outside of the condom so I’m not sure when it is making contact with the penis opening.

  1. Maybe the way you’re masterbating is causing the condom to rub and irritate, and during actual sex that wouldn’t happen. Maybe try some non-lubed and/or latex-free condoms just to rules stuff out for when the time cums.

  2. Also the lube is all over both sides of the condom… Like you unroll it when you take it out how can you not realize that means it’s on both sides. Just because you don’t know of your latex allergy doesn’t mean you don’t have one. Try non latex condoms or don’t use at any at all for just masturbating?

  3. Latex allergy can start at anytime. I didn’t have a latex allergy then when using a condom a few years later I did. Can’t even use latex gloves

  4. And why do you think you don’t have a latex allergy? Also – the spermicide IS on the inside as well. I have the same issue with condoms that you describe. I jump in the shower instantly after sex with one on for this reason.

  5. Switch to all natural and latex free condoms. Trojan ENZ condoms suck btw. My ex would use them and I’d be itchy and dry for days following.

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