Workaholic Girlfriend, need advice.

Hey Reddit! I’ve never posted but I’m currently in a relationship with my girlfriend (21f) and I’m (23m), and recently she has been busier at work because her boss has been scheduling her more hours than usual. Her typical work schedule lately has been looking like a single weekday plus all three days on the weekend form Friday to Sunday night, meaning hanging out with her on the weekends are just out of the question. Although she only works 4 days of the week, she’s working close to 40plus hours a week, and she’s usually dead tired after her shifts.She is currently a full time student too, and it’s been difficult for me to find some spare time to spend some quality time with her. When we do find the time to spend with each other, the moments are great and I long for more moments like this. I completely understand how she is busy with her life and that I’m not gonna stop her from doing the things she needs to do, but I want to figure out a solution with her and I’m just not sure where to start without coming off as needy. I also understand the need for me to practice with my own hobbies and to stay busy, but this sudden change in routine has thrown me off a little. Although this problem just started recently, I noticed it right away, and I want to find some balance before It gets worse. My girlfriend and I have both stated that we love each other and I completely trust her as so does she. I really want this relationship to work out and I’m just so lost, some advice would be great, thank you!

  1. Well first, is she happy with her current schedule, because it’s her life, so she should be living it as she wants. You’ve stated you love eachother, that sounds to me like you’ve got a golden ticket and you wanting more. When you get to 30+ finding love is like trying to find blood in a stone, so i would focus on appreciating what you have. Yes it can be difficult and yes you want to spend more time together, but doing that will result in you both losing site of your careers. You are both young and just starting your journeys, support each other through your careers and passions and always know that each stage of life is just a phase. 6 months or 2 years from now you may be unemployed or have your own companies etc etc.. it changes so quick. So again, focus on the love you have and appreciate each other when you are together and support each other through all things.

    If you both trust each other this shouldn’t be a problem. Its how it’s supposed to be until someone cheats, then it all goes wrong and 10 years later you are still thinking about whar could have been. Jokes aside, i wish you both the best, just appreciate. Love is rare 🙂

  2. Well, you could always find a lazy girlfriend.

    And she could find a boyfriend with a busier job.

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