So I’m 22M, and I’ve decided to take a break from dating apps until I have gotten a job, gotten my own place, can at least see my abs, and have a new phone with good pictures due to countless resets. I personally keep a medium length faded beard(up until 13mm), but when I last used dating apps, the beard was a faded beard when at longest 21mm, and I did decent. I’ve heard that girls my age for the most part don’t like beards and will only accept a stubble at very most, but I’ve had a few girls who were within 3 years of my age say they matched with me for my beard, so idk. Girls who are between 20-25, what’s your opinion on having a full beard on a guy around your age? Also guys who’ve had it, what’s been your experience?

  1. Statistically clean shaven is best, but the beard is the closest thing to socially acceptable male makeup that exists and it does have some of its own benefits, particularly adding chin definition. There’s no “right” answer, but if stubble is working for you, might as well keep it

  2. I’m rocking the stache rn, it’s coming back in a big way and I’ve been getting a lot of positive comments regarding it. Worth a try if you want to look different and have a distinct look. If it fits your face, I’d give it a shot.

    But as has been said, clean shaven is the safest choice, it’s just uncontroversial

  3. I’m 24 and I love beards on a man, I think beards are beautiful. I like them way better than stubble because with stubble when you’re making out with them I imagine that stubble rubbing against my face which sounds uncomfortable. Plus it’s amazing how a good beard can really transform a man’s face and make him very attractive.

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