What is the most geographically beautiful state?

  1. Probably California. Between the forests, mountains, beaches and desert, they’ve pretty much got it all.

  2. They all have something, but any list that skips California can be ignored.

    There are individual places that are awesome elsewhere, but nowhere has the diversity.

  3. California or Hawaii are the obvious choices but I’ve driven through Utah and I’ve got to say, I literally saw purple mountains (majesty)!!! I know Utah has some beautiful national parks I’d love to visit some day.

  4. I’ve been to nearly all of them. It’s hard to top California and Washington, the diversity in landscapes in those is incredible. Rain forest, desert, coasts, alpine, river valleys, etc.

  5. Washington. Most gorgeous place I’ve ever been. The topography is amazing, you’re never far from amazing views, and there are two national parks in the state.

  6. I gotta go with Utah. The National parks are amazing. Only thing missing is the ocean

  7. There are so many, the U.S has some amazing landscapes.

    California is up there but Alaska is incredible. Truly one of the most beautiful places on planet earth.

  8. Wyoming has a lot going on, but North Carolina has the gorgeous, ancient blue ridge mountains and some of the most beautiful coastline anywhere. Unfortunately in between the two is meh, but can’t have it all, lol.

  9. California, the state is a gift from god!! It’s fertile and has everything.

  10. I’m not sure about the “most”, but I really like the hills and fields of western Pennsylvania.

  11. Depends on what you like, if you like a lush greeness with mountains and forests and wild spaces, West Virginia can offer a lot. Super beautiful views, a good chunk of the state is national and State parks, and while some of the towns are a little sad, a lot of them are pretty picturesque.

  12. This is difficult… I’d say California because it is so large it has a lot of different beautiful geography

  13. I think it depends.

    -California for its sheer diversity of landscapes

    -Alaska for its rugged and isolated nature

    -Hawaii for its tropical forests

    -Maine, Vermont, or New Hampshire for being lush and green with quaint little towns nestled in the mountains

    -Colorado for its mountains

    -North Dakota for its endless rolling hills and wide open sky

    -Michigan for its beautiful coastline along the lakes

    I think every state has something pretty to offer, although of course states out West will always rank higher to most people due to the sheer size of the states and the natural wonders being more eyecatching. Personally, I prefer the subtle beauty of New England

  14. most of the western states but also Alaska and Hawaii and also several southern states….it’s like a twenty way tie

  15. Partner and I have been to all 50. For me, top choices would have to include:Wyoming, Utah, Washington, Colorado, Montana, California, and Hawaii. It’s so difficult to narrow it down to just a single choice; there is so much variation between states that I would almost be a shame just to pick one.

  16. Every state has something going for it.

    IMO top runners are Alaska, Washington, Utah, Hawaii, California (what can I say we are geographically diverse), and New Mexico. Arizona and Oregon, Montana and Wyoming – not far behind.

  17. Maine. All four seasons on the coast, lakes, forests, and mountains (not big mountains, but enough to get the idea.)

  18. Washington and Oregon are at the top for me, but I’m biased as I grew up there. Other top contenders would be Wyoming, Utah and Idaho. A

  19. Okay so it’s starting to sound like I need to take a trip to the west coast…

  20. Oregon. We have deserts, rainforests, coastline, beautiful valleys, deep river canyons, the deepest fresh water lake in the world, a huge mountain range and one of the larger mountains in the nation.

    Not to mention that even in the slums there’s a tree on every street. The highways have foliage along the side all year round.

    Not biased at all of course.

  21. It’s really fucking hard to beat Maine/New Hampshire/Vermont in May or June. Everything is bright green, and it’s sunny in the 70s.

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