Greetings all!

Canadian here. My country shares four out of the five Great Lakes with the USA. For those who live near or have visited any or all of the Great Lakes, which one is your favourite, and why is it your favourite?

Bonus question: do any of you have a favourite spot on any of the Lakes that is actually in Canada, not the USA?


  1. Lake Superior gang, we outchea.

    Never actually been but I like that it’s called superior lmao

  2. I’m gonna go with Ontario for bringing me our lovely weather, even though it does make my drives to Toronto somewhat longer. If Niagara Falls counts as “on the lakes”, the Canadian side is probably the best single spot.

  3. Lake Michigan. Lined with amazing beaches in Michigan, Chicago and the skyline, and the beauty off of Door County.

  4. Gotta be Lake Michigan (sorry, Canada!). Milwaukee and Chicago wouldn’t be the same without it. The Milwaukee Art Museum sits right on the shore and it’s so beautiful. Bonus points for Door County and Sheboygan. I feel very fortunate to live near such a beautiful body of water.

  5. Lake Michigan. Not because I like the lake, but because my family said from Michigan.

  6. Michigan. Because Chicago and Indiana Dunes and Sleeping Bear Dunes and Mackinac

    Runner up is Huron because of the Bruce peninsula (go Canada!)

    But man it is hard to chose because Superior is badass.

  7. As someone who is from Michigan (home to 4/5 of the great lakes), my favorite is Lake Michigan. My family has some land off of it, and it’s honestly perfect. Not too cold (like superior). Cleaner than Erie. Plus I have the emotional connection of it. Huron is pretty great too, but something about Lake Michigan will always have my heart!

  8. The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down of the big lake they called Gitche Gumee

  9. I’m only familiar with Lake Michigan from a book series, and unless that has an island which is a prison for a host of incredibly dangerous supernatural creatures, then I doubt I’ve gotten an accurate picture of it.

  10. Lake Michigan has the most built up around it and Grand Haven is a beautiful beach. Lake Superior has better looking water though, it looks cleaner.

  11. Lake Superior. Without any *major* cities on it, it just seems more natural to me. I was raised near it (Upper Michigan) and it’s so awesome and powerful in fall-winter.

    I have seen the Chicago and Toronto skylines from the lakes, and those are some impressive views. All five of the lakes are worth seeing.

  12. I’m not an American, but the answer should be obvious. One of the lakes is vastly superior to the others. Can’t remember the name, though.

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