Hey I’m 21 and a black girl and my bf is 23 he’s black too I’ve been having doubts about his past he’s only dated white girls before even tho he denies it. My thoughts were clarified today when I saw his old phone and I decided to look through it and I saw pictures and videos I don’t think I’d ever be able to erase from my mind. It was of him and his ex who was clearly white and it was explicit stuff. It might be from the past but that killed me fr. I haven’t sayed anything to him yet cause I shouldn’t have been snooping in the first place but he’s noticed that something’s is up and I don’t want to talk about it. I do know I got insecurities and jealousy when it comes to him cause he’s the first person I’ve ever been intimate with like this and it sucked knowing he had exes but it crushes seeing it and and to make it worse none of them look like me idk what to do I’m loosing my mind

  1. There’s a reason that they are in the past. Be his future and be his best.

  2. > I shouldn’t have been snooping in the first place

    Yes! Focus on that. You did a bad thing and all the insecurity and anxiety you are going through now is a just punishment for that.

    To coin a phrase, you fucked around and found out.

    > idk what to do

    Don’t do anything. There is nothing to be done. Everyone has a history, this is his. Sit there and deal with it.

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