I think I’ve been living my life as an extrovert, and only recently I have acknowledged my real introverted side.

My parents have always raised me to be social and to get along with anyone, I thank them for this. However, during the last years, I found it harder to socialise, get along with strangers. I spend more time alone in my room, taking with online friends.
And it has nothing to do with Covid.
I’ve always loved going to parties and stuff, but I had a harder time feeling myself during the last ones. It’s becoming less and less my world.
Right now, I’m at a dub-rap-tek festival with a group of friends of friends. Had it been two years ago, I’d already be talking with them and doing social stuff, but I’m here alone in my tent writing this.

I don’t know if I’m really looking for advice, but I’d be glad to read what you have to say about it. I also want to know if anyone has had this particular experience.
Thank you !

1 comment
  1. Take note that pure introversion/extraversion doesn’t exists. We all are what some call ambiversion with more introverted/extraverted side.
    Plus, introversion/extraversion is something you fmget from birth, not something you can really have a control of. You can be a bit more or less thanks to your environnement during your childhood but nothing radical.

    Just take it easy. This is absolutly nothing bad. You may find this a bit sad and not really knowing what you want to do. From my experience I hate feeling lonely but hate to go to festival or partying in huge evenings events.
    I’d rather prefer some really chill in a little group activities (role playing games for me).

    Ask your friend if doing other activities that takes you less social energy can be possible. If they are your friends, I’m sure it won’t bother them.

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