My couple is from USA, Im mexican. We have like 1 year dating and he is living in my country. When I meet him I didn’t speak English and he never try to learn Spanish, the language is still a problem sometimes. I told him that it could be a problem and he was okay with that. Sometimes I talk with him and I feel like he overreact, im normally talking with him and sometimes he even didn’t let me end the point and he is already telling me things like “you are retarded” “you are stupid” I complain with him about that and he only told me he react in that way because that is how people react in his country, that he is someone know for undereact to the situations. The way I grow, these word are a lack of respect and these words was enough in my house to start a fight or and argument. Is it true what he tells me? Are those normal words to refer to someone in his country?

  1. Tell him you find it disrespectful and he needs to stop

    No it’s not normal to verbally belittle your partner

  2. They are not normal words and it is very disrespectful and verbally abusive. He’s lying to you to normalise his behaviour. He’s also wrong – you speak two languages so how could you be stupid?

    Red flags are flying and I would dump him.

  3. It is absolutely NOT NORMAL.

    Based on what you say, he is being completely disrespectful and he seems toxic and abusive.

    Love is respect.

  4. It’s not normal, but just because something’s normal doesn’t mean you have to put up with it

  5. He seems like a terrible person. Do not let him disrespect you like that. It is not normal and it is very offensive to refer to someone as such. I’m really sorry that he called you that. Please stop dating him. All the best.

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