So I was on a safari exploring the forests and in my safari car was this really cute girl sitting behind me.

I was hoping to impress her by showing how fascinated I am by the wildebeests we could spot from our car so I said to the guy next to me out loud “Don’t you think that they look like if a Bull and Cow had a son!?” not thinking what I’m saying makes sense in my head first.

The guy probably was as clueless as me when it comes to animals and said yes but I could see my crush covering her mouth and laughing.

I just feel so embarrassed and I’m glad I didn’t ask for her number or anything because I’m sure no person would like to date anyone as dumb as me ._.

Just wanted to post this here to get it out there as I’m too embarrassed to tell this incident to people I know

But on a side note do you guys think incidents like these actually effect your chances with women or I’m overthinking and should’ve still asked for her number?

  1. If she already found you attractive it will be interpreted as you being “cute”, if not, it will be interpreted as you being dumb. So no, you didn’t blow it.

  2. I went on a date with a girl once and the first night we went back to hers to smash the absolute grace out of her. After I’m lying on my front and just let out the biggest fart I had been holding in all day. I dated her for 6 months after this so it didn’t kill it no.

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