Do you like award shows? Why or why not?

  1. I personally don’t find them interesting. Maybe if someone I am a fan of is singing, I might watch but I doubt it.

  2. No, I’m not even interested in these events when I’m getting something, I’m definitely not going to watch ransoms getting awards for stuff I know nothing about.

  3. i like video game award shows like The Game Awards. Mainly because i don’t have to focus on fake celebrities thanking a bunch of other celebrities for a metal statue they had no part in helping earn

  4. I don’t like them. They are so out of touch with what’s important and going on in the world that they immediately disinterest me.

  5. I like them, but I don’t put a lot of stock into them at all. I tend to just watch the highlights.

  6. I don’t like tv / movie award shows. When you have to put in an application to nominate yourself or a movie its not really an unbiased view. I also don’t feel like it’s reflective of the general public opinions.

  7. I like looking at the fashion the next day, but the events themselves are always super boring.

  8. I like the award shows for TV, movies, and Broadway. However, I’m not a fan of the music award shows. I usually don’t know many of the artists and they pack in so many performances that it goes on WAY too long.

  9. Not really. I may pop in if it’s on but I don’t really care. I do enjoy certain musicians if they perform I’ll stay.

  10. I don’t have cable so I am not always able to watch them unless I am at a friend’s house or can find it on a stream online, but I enjoy watching one every now and then. It helps me discover new music and movies, and I like seeing people get complimented on their success. I also just love seeing all the gorgeous and all the crazy and out there outfits lol.

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