What’s the strangest thing a woman has done to make you fall for her?

  1. We’re both hobby gardeners. We started as friends who traded seeds and food.

  2. She told me she couldn’t believe that men were capable of kindness until she met me.

  3. While we were at the interview stage of dating I asked her “what would the rules of life be?” She sends a pdf of Hasbro’s Game of a Life rulebook. She gets my kind of humor.

  4. My wife didn’t think we’d ever see each other again since I was just passing through her city and met randomly. So we just had a good time chatting with no inhibitions and no facade. It’s been that way ever since.

  5. She was the friend of a friend and visiting the city I was studying in at the time.

    Saved her on the dancefloor from a rather pushy guy. Kept looking at me from a far, then eventually mustered up all her strength and tried to chat me up.

    “That’s a cheap looking shirt!”


    “I mean … I don’t know.”

    Literally couldn’t do anything but be sarcastic. The attempt at having to start a conversation just mader her go TILT.

  6. She cooked for me some kind of dish from her parts. It was stewed beef (or was it pork?) with plums and other vegetables & spices. Very hot,very tasty and incredibly filling . She made enough of it for me to enjoy for 3 days dinners. She’s good cook but this one took the cake.

  7. Show genuine interest. Outspoken about it. Strange how rare it is nowadays

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