My bf and I were talking this morning, I asked where his friend was that lives with him and he said he was over at this girls house he’s been dating. I asked if they were official now and he said no. I asked if he liked her as more than a friend and if they had been together a while because we went on a double date with them back in May. He then responded: “To he honest I feel like most if not all of my friends date a girl for several months until becoming official usually. And if things are going well after six months or so they’ll ask if they’re together if they like each other enough. That’s just been my experience, has it not been yours?”

This made me question a lot of things because my boyfriend and I became official after three weeks. He asked if I was seeing anybody else at that time and I told him no and then asked him if he wanted to be together and he said yes. This was over two months ago. But since he said that earlier I’m questioning a lot of things and I told him “well I guess we did it wrong, sorry.” And then later I asked him if he thinks we rushed into things. He said he doesn’t and he told me not to overthink it, and he was getting annoyed. But ever since he said that this morning I’m just questioning a lot of stuff and I feel like maybe deep down he wants to be single and thinks he rushed into things too. Am I over thinking this or could there be some truth to that ?

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  2. That’s girl brain talking, guys are more “say it like it is”. We analyze every single detail. It’s nothing, move on!

  3. Omg stop spinning … not every single thing out of his mouth is about you … males are simple , they will date you if they like you and won’t date you if they don’t like you

    Edit : also I thought everyone is supposed to post ages for context

  4. Waiting for 6 months to become official sounds like an eternity, lol. I think my ex and I became official after 2 dates. Three weeks is not too soon.

  5. These comments are a little harsh lmao. We all get in our head & need a little reassurance sometimes. Ain’t nothing wrong with it. Are you projecting your insecurities onto him? Do you feel like you rushed him into the relationship?

  6. ““To he honest I feel like most if not all of my friends date a girl for several months until becoming official usually.”

    “This made me question a lot of things because my boyfriend and I became official after three weeks.”

    I think you are overthinking this.

    When it comes to dating men are fine with reading the book one chapter at a time to see where the story goes. Women oftentimes want to know how the story ends before they buy the book!

    Ultimately for most men it’s not about the “calendar” when it comes to dating.

    Once a guy believes he is with someone “special” he naturally pursues exclusivity and commitment.

    I never proactively went *looking* for a girlfriend or a wife.

    Every “serious relationship” I ever had began with *casual dating* and *evolved* into something serious.

    It’s being with that “*special someone*” that causes most folks to want to take the next step.

    Otherwise, you’re just someone *chasing after a relationship status* in need of a *prop*.

    It’s amazing how people in happy relationships are always looking for a reason to pull away.

    Your boyfriend recognized *you* were what *he wanted* in 3 weeks and now that’s a “bad thing”?

    His *friends’ love lives* should have nothing to do with your own.

    ***”Love what you have before life teaches you to love what you lost.”*** – Unknown

    Best wishes!

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