How would you spend $1,000?

  1. Lol, my first thought was that I’d use some of it to buy one of those overpriced Bad Dragon dildos. There’s a couple that I’ve been eyeing, but which I will never be able to convince myself to actually buy.

    I’d also use some of it to buy my cat a few new scratching posts or towers. She’s had this corrugated cardboard platform thing (two panels that slot together) and she loved it but it’s finally broken.

  2. Rent 🤣🤣 but if it was on something I wanted amd didn’t need I’d probably put a down payment on a dif car

  3. id probably just put it into my savings knowing me. all my money goes to what i need or my savings.

  4. Practicality: I’d save it.

    For Fun: I’d get the satisfyer and some other toys. And do a fun spa day

  5. I spent $1400 at the garage on car repairs a few weeks ago, but that was necessary not fun spending. In terms of totally unnecessary but fun spending, I could do a lot with $1000 as a travel budget. Cheap flight to Europe to visit a friend, or maybe an all inclusive resort somewhere warm…

  6. I’d save it to fix a problem with my car or home or medical issues however if I could just spend it on a whim then I’d love to buy some nice fitting clothes. I’m always wearing the same old black leggings and t-shirts.

  7. It would probably go into my “fun” savings. Any money we received (spouse and I) unexpectedly, or for side gigs goes into the “fun” box. We use that money on conventions like Comicon, anime conventions, pirate/Renaissance festivals. That way when those events happen we don’t have to spend any of our real money.

  8. depends.

    if I wasn’t struggling? probably a big tattoo.

    since I AM struggling? help pay off my car loan, or go towards rent.

  9. I’d spend it on dental care, groceries, getting my guitar fixed and clothes. And possibly a gym membership because I want to start exercising.

  10. Just found out I’m gonna be a grandma for the first time… I’d start a savings account for my grandchild 😊

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