I completed my commerce grad way back in 2012 and tried to get a job. But I messed up my 1st interview and I also realised that I have anxiety issue that get trigger whenever I give interviews. I gave many but again that panic triggers. After 3 years, my resume gap widened and at every interview Employers only demand experienced candidates. I didn’t have much guidance in my life and that cost me my time very much. I realised my skills getting obsolete and have no experience which lowered my confidence. And Anxiety & low confidence made me just shut myself in my room. Being low qualified, low English skills and being jobless took a toll on my health. I wasted 2.5 years in hospitals and their bills that too out of my parents savings. Now, almost 30 I feel hopeless and my resume got a huge gap that made my 5 yrs of degree worthless. My anxiety has taken over me completely and I stopped going out. Shutting myself make me feel even sadder but I don’t know what to do. Is there a way to get my life on track?

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