In USA and Canada it’s recommended most of the time to send a thank you letter after an interview. is this also the case in your country?

Edit: I mean a quick thank you email, not a full letter.

  1. Never heard of this tbh and have been both interviewer and interviewee.

  2. Non existent in the UK. I interview a lot and If a successful candidate did that to me, it would be weird and awkward enough for me to evaluate whether they were in fact that right candidate for the job.

  3. Not common at all, as far as I know.

    I did it once though, but only because my former employer had sent me a recommendation letter right ***after*** I went to an interview for a new job. Like, maybe 2 hours later. So, I sent it by email anyway a bit later that day, and I added that I was thanking them for their time blablabla. But that’s the only reason. I’d never have done it if it wasn’t for that letter.

  4. I work with a CV writing service. We adapt our styles depending where our client is located. From my understanding and research, post-interview thank you letters are a very north American thing.

  5. Nope, after the interview it’s the company’s turn to contact. Besides this “thank you for the time to talk to me” opens a weird can of worms. Do you send a follow-up letter saying thank you for reading my thank you email? And do you send a letter about that as well?

  6. Never heard of it in Europe. I landed a bunch of offers in the US without it as well, never knew that some brown nosing is required 😀

  7. It’s generally recommanded in all the “what to do before, during, and after interviews”, but I’ve never done it and I think it would feel very forced, weird and insincere

    That being said I have a sister who is very into that, and who even once texted me a thank you note after I invited her to diner, outlining the points of our conversation she found the most interesting, so maybe it does feel natural to some people

  8. It’s nonexistent in Sweden. If I interviewed you for a position and you send me a thank you letter afterwards, I world take it as you being really desperate and I probably would be too weirded out to hire you

  9. I am in Canada and reading through this I’m so surprised that it’s uncommon! It’s such a norm to do here to thank the person for the opportunity to interview for the position, etc. But it’s always just a quick email, not a letter. It was interesting to read other perspectives, thanks!

  10. Also not a thing in Germany. As a candidate you at most write the company and ask if there’s news on their decision making, when you didn’t hear back from them for some time.

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