If so, did it help in any way? Was your issue resolved? Did it make you feel any better?

I’ve lost the will to live trying to fight the bureaucratic octopus of the Passport Office. Five months of wasted time and energy for a simple passport renewal…

  1. I put a complaint in yesterday. I had to cancel a renewal that I started when guidance for entry into the EU using a passport with an expiry date more than 10 years after the issue date was less clear. They sent my documents back but kept the £80 fee. I was fuming, the cheek! I hope I get satisfaction…

  2. I just had mine renewed, from sending my old passport to having the application approved, printed and delivered took 5 days.

    I’m not sure how mine was so quick/other people are experiencing huge delays.

    After 5 months though I’d cut my losses and go to a physical office & just pay for the fast-track service instead.

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