How do you pick a therapist?

  1. You go to them and talk. And if it feels good it feels good, if it doesn’t feel perfect you give it a meeting or two and actually put some effort into getting to know them (not personally you hopefully get what I mean) as well and establish a way of talking through things.

    Think of it as shopping for a good conversation partner where your life is the topic. You shouldn’t find them offensive, but you should also respect the person and his/her advice.

    Failing forwards is the principle you want to follow with this.

  2. My ex went to therapy and it took her years to find one that worked for her. She just had to keep trying, seeing how it went, and trying someone else if it wasn’t a good fit.

  3. Get recommendations for the actual type of problem you are having. Lots of widows and widowers get sent to general therapists and get started on antidepressants or on cognitive behavioral therapy because they look depressed. These therapies rarely work as well as in people who are actually depressed because they are not actually depressed, they are widowing.

    Same with kid vs teen vs adult. Same with dual diagnosis. Try to get a therapist that is specialized in your problem area.

  4. Research their area of focus. This can be done online through insurance.

    If your looking for a marriage counselor best to Fontini be that specializes in this area, not a counselor who’s focus is adolescents.

  5. Dont….

    Therapists somply just tell you what you already know. You’re just looking to have ut validated. Save yourself the cash. Most female therapists are human garbage that will just soak you for cash and make you the bad guy. Male therapist are basically the same while throwing pills at you.

    Eat healthier, a lot healthier.

    Exercise regularly, hard, exhausting exercise that switches between muscle groups, force your body to adapt between aerobic and anaerobic.

    Get a hobby that doesnt let you sit on a couch.

    Take up running, dont listen to music while you run, focus on your breathing and let your brain straighten shit out.

    Do this and you will feel better.

  6. You pretty much just pay $150 to roll the dice, and keep doing it until you find one that works for you and the way you express yourself.

  7. I don’t know. I’ve been to five and none of them seem to make me feel comfortable. I’ve just stopped trying at this point lol

  8. For a first meeting, you look at what they specialize in and make sure you are in that category. You may also want to see if they have specialization and training in certain creeds/lifestyles (gay, Christian, etc) if they apply to you.

    That narrows it down a bit, but you should still have lots of therapists you can choose from that meet a certain criteria.

    From there you should choose someone based purely on your gut. Who do you *feel* the most comfortable talking to about your problems? Age, race, gender, even how attractive someone is can play a role. You don’t have to be an objective and unbiased hero here. Therapy is all about YOU. Don’t feel the need to justify yourself if you think “I prefer an attractive women therapist of the same race who is roughly my age”. Just make sure you understand that you’re doing therapy to get better. You don’t get to fuck your therapist at the end of your treatment.

  9. I use PsychologyToday and filter by what I’m looking for in a therapist, insurance accepted, and location. If they do telehealth, even better.

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