Recently I(23f) noticed my bf(28m) of 7 months has a dating app installed on his phone. I asked him on it and he said he forgot to delete it after we start dating. He said he will delete it soon but I am starting to feel extremely insecure, thinking if I’m not good enough so he wants to keep the app to find better choices. I don’t know how to make myself feel better. I love him a lot and want to trust him but I’m not sure how. Any advice on this?

  1. who forgets to delete a dating app for 7 months after you’ve been in a relationship? and he’ll delete it “soon” instead of immediately? nah. fuck that.

  2. Why didn’t he delete it immediately? And why are you letting him treat you like a fool?

  3. He’s a liar.

    Delete it “soon” wtf kind of response is that.

    Delete him from your phone but not before blocking him.

    I’m sorry this is happening, I know you said you love him but you deserve someone who is invested in being with just you

  4. Yeah.. I wouldn’t worry about it. Dating apps don’t even work.

    I have like 4 or 5 dating app, and don’t even use them, big waste of money.

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