My bf says almost “every guy” has issues with condoms. He says they malfunction most times and leak. Is this true? How often do you have complications with condoms? TIA 🤗

  1. If they malfunctioned or leaked most of the times why would people use them? And sure, it’s more likely that guys will prefer to go without it, but that can’t be an excuse not to wear it. Personally, I’m more afraid of spending the next 18 years slaving away for a child I don’t want, than to sacrifice a few percent of pleasure.

  2. No, it isn’t true. They are lying to you. Some guys try to trick women into unprotected sex as a manipulative tactic to try and spread their seed and STIs as far and wide as possible.
    Purge these people from your life immediately

    “When used correctly every time you have sex, male condoms are 98% effective. This means 2 out of 100 people will become pregnant in 1 year when male condoms are used as contraception ‘
    UK National Heath System

  3. They can break rarely but you can feel when they do so…

    The only issue is less feeling, but that is o.k.

  4. I’ve never had any issues and I’ve never heard of anyone genuinely having an issue. In all the years I wore them I maybe had two or three that were defective and that must be out of a few hundred or over a thousand. And all those were ones where they ripped as soon as we started putting them on.

    He is bullshitting you because he wants to cum in you.

  5. They definitely don’t just malfunction or leak.

    But they do suck, and I do have issues keeping it up with them, and it gets worse with age.

  6. Never had a malfunction sounds suspect to me . Most condoms are tested using electrostatic testing just Google condom manufacturing and testing. Besides if condoms are the price of admission to the fun zone he should respect your having a say over your body. Women aren’t the only ones responsible for preventing pregnancy.

  7. There definitely isn’t any pressure from my bf. I am wanting to get off birth control to regulate my body without unnatural hormones. Just a discussion we are having. He says he has had many friends tell him they come off during sex. Or, like I said earlier they leak at the base. Just wanting to hear everyone’s perspective!

  8. Sorry but none of this is true lol

    The only true thing is sex without a condom feels A LOT better then with one, he just doesn’t want to use one

    I assume you guys are younger?

  9. My bf hates the feeling of condoms , and struggles to keep it up with one on , but he has always said that it’s my choice if I want him to wear one because it’s my body that has the risk of pregnancy if we don’t . While it’s ok for people not to like the feeling of condoms , it isn’t ok to make you feel responsible for that or like you shouldn’t use that protection even if you want to . If he doesn’t want to wear a condom , but you want that protection , then he doesn’t get lucky . End of .

    Also , while they do sometimes break , condoms have a low chance of breaking if they are the right size and you use plenty of lube .

  10. I have never had a condom malfunction. 100% effective in my experience.

    Maybe some guys need help putting them on?

  11. I’ve been having sex on a regular basis for over 6 years now. Multiple partners, mostly fwbs but some relationships.

    I have only had a condom rip one time and one other time it actually got peeled off somehow (he definitely bought the wrong size). Condoms don’t just “malfunction.” They do occasionally, but only a very small percentage of the time. Your boyfriend is full of shit

  12. My ex and I had exactly _one_ condom failure in five years of using condoms. Honestly, it was _probably_ user error, as we’d had a night out with the baby being taken care of overnight and had both been drinking a bit. Upon realizing it and talking, I bought and she used Plan B the next day because it was at the point we could neither yet afford nor deal with a second child – didn’t wait to find out if she was pregnant or not. It just wasn’t an option.

    Got a vasectomy six months after kid #2 a couple of years later. Zero regrets.

    I switched to non-latex condoms about a year into the relationship when we both realized we were latex-sensitive. More expensive, but the pain went away and the sensation was very much improved. Worth the additional expense.

  13. I wear them, but still pull out. I’ve had enough to break during sex that pulling out with a condom on is pretty standard for me. I’m not sure of other malfunctions.

  14. Used no birth control but condoms for four years with no complications and no mishaps. Your bf is doing something wrong- wrong size, wrong application, something. Or else he’s making excuses.

    Edit to add try Skyn condoms. They are seriously so nice.

  15. I actually have trained myself to like them. Because they are necessary so when I put one on, in my head I am thinking how great an experience I am about to have. Plus the thin condoms are so much better then they were 20 years ago.

    I get way more sensations with them. And my orgasms are just as good with or without them. So the only real difference is how much I feel with each thrust it’s less with a condom.

    But would I rather go bare of course

    But let’s be real how much complaining should a guy who is about to have sex really be doing ?

    It’s 100 times better then no sex at all

    Number of times I have had them leak zero. Have broken a few over the years but I felt it immediately and withdrew very carefully holding the ring. I’m in my 40’s maybe 3 broken condoms in my life.

    So malfunction unless you count a break, literally never.

  16. Condom-less penetrative sex feels better than protected sex, but condom-on sex feels WAY better than no sex at all.

  17. Condoms are usually very easy to use. They don’t “malfunction”. Not “every guy” has issues with them but there is a learning curve. Lots of options, lots of fits. It is upon each guy to know what works for them.

    Regardless. Always stay protected. Do what’s best for you.

  18. Maybe 10 or 20 years ago. Now condoms are almost as good as sex without one.

    Shit depending on the condom, it sometimes feels even more intense.

    Never had one ripped. Even when i was using the wrong size condom. Now the magnums are my go to and those don’t even feel any different to me when i use them.

    Only time i will dread to use one is during a blow job.

    I rather get a hand job than a BJ with a condom.

  19. My husband and I have used them for 11 years, no issues(knock on wood).

    And I will say condoms have come a long way over the years.

  20. Never had a leak, but I’ve certainly had some break or slip off because things got a little too lubed up on the inside.

    Of course it’a true that it feels better without one but generally speaking they aren’t a problem. Maybe if it truly IS a problem then he should try out different brands for a better fit or feel.

  21. He needs to spend a little bit more on condoms and not buy the Magnums because his prick won’t fit in them. Also if he’s trying to bs you into letting him raw dog you and you aren’t ok with it, leave him. There are good condoms, shitty condoms and then there are pricks who won’t wear them without a fuss. Sex with a condom on is better than no sex. Crown and Okomoto make good condoms. No glove, no love. Stay safe.

  22. He sits on a throne of lies. No one likes to wear condoms. But it’s a necessary evil. He can properly measure himself and get the right size. They make condoms for every size. He just doesn’t want to wear one. Which no penis haver does, but does he want to be awake at 2am changing a crying baby? No? Then wear the condom.

  23. I ocassionally have issues staying hard(performance and just in general anxiety gets up), which is turn causes it to come lose and start coming off. And has actually fallen off inside a girl i was dating once. Was super fucking awkward and im not usually one to feel awkward. She spent like 5 or 10 minutes in the bathroom trying to get it out and was kinda annoyed with me. Anyone struggling with elections I think has probabaly got similar issues. Wouldn’t matter if they were properly sized or not

    Edit: however i should add, if the person I’m with wants to use them, then I 100% do use them. Both people gotta be comfortable to make sex enjoyable

  24. Had them break when I was immature and new to sex. Then I learned how to use them properly.

  25. I broke a few condoms in my day, but otherwise they always worked for me

  26. I hate condoms, but I’ve never had an issue with it leaking. Also never had a condom break or “malfunction”. Finding one that fits isn’t hard (pun intended). Sounds to me like he’s making excuses to not wear one

  27. Your bf is trying to convince you to have unprotected sex. I came off my BC earlier this year and me and my husband use condoms instead. It’s important to try different brands and different sizes to find the best ones for you both.

  28. This is him being an idiot and trying to get away with not using condoms. There are many variations and sizes of condoms. He needs to find the one that works for him.
    I have a feeling that he’s trying to use magnum condoms when he isn’t big enough to fill it, so that will definitely not fit right.

  29. Just get female condoms and use them yourself, then he can’t argue. Men that use these excuses disgust me.

  30. I used to use Sagami Original 001’s because they are one of the thinest condoms in world, they literally feel like wearing nothing. They are tight, but because they are you get a better feel and better sensation than regular “thin” latex condoms. they are made of non-latex polyurethane so they are good for people that are allergic to latex and I never had one break. We tried to rip one and it wasn’t possible, it just kept stretching. They are expensive as fuck but imo worth every cent.

  31. Buy the right size condoms. Also not true I’ve never had a condom leak or break after insertion. I’ve only had condoms break while an ex was putting it on.

  32. I used to hate them, then I got some that fit. Now there’s no issues

  33. I’m having sex with condoms for almost 20 years now and haven’t gotten any issue with them.

  34. Either he has too small of a penis to fill it or too big a penis and needs a new size condom. Otherwise he’s full of shit and doesn’t understand the responsibility that comes with getting someone pregnant, especially these days in the US.

  35. Nope. Not true.

    Did have one fail, but otherwise kept me from being a daddy till I wanted to be

  36. There’s cold hard data on this.

    It’s not an opinion, condoms work. They are 99% effective, and that 1% is due to stupid use.

    Anything else is bullshit.

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