My gf and I fell asleep during sexual intercourse being very drunk and neither of us remember me ejaculating, however she woke up having seminal fluid inside of her. What could be the most possible explanation to this? Is it possible for males to ejaculate being unconscious or asleep? We normally remember everything that happens while drunk.

  1. I have a rule with my girlfriend, if we go out on a night out and I get wasted/pass out in bed – if it works she can use it.

    She uses that permission to her advantage (she usually a relatively low sex drive, but when she drinks it goes up by 1000) and there have been multiple instances of sex happening and I have no memory because I was already passed out.

  2. 100%. Wet dreams and that.

    You might not have even fell asleep tbh, you might have both blacked out

  3. You were too drunk to remember seems alot more plausible then “You passed out inside of her, then while unconscious (but still inside) ejaculated” imo.

  4. Ejaculation is a spinal cord reflex. It doesn’t require any input from the brain

  5. You could be awake and not want it. And if the other person was jacking it. It can happen

  6. Yeah ejaculation is an automatic reflex. It can happen while you’re unconscious

  7. It’s possible , that’s what a wet dream is right ? It happens , my partner and I have fallen asleep with it still inside before ( were very stoned and horny and tired lol )

  8. I have not ever done that but I know it can happen, when I get too drunk my dick does not work lol

  9. Probably. When my wife and I were a new couple we would fuck in our sleep all the time and we would always wonder if we finished. I think most of the time we would just fall back asleep in the middle of it. Lol. We both worked nights at the time.

  10. More likely that you both blacked out. But yeah it’s totally possible.

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