I know not all men over react when their favourite team loses but a lot do. From smashing up pubs to beating their wives and being miserable for hours if not all day. Also purposefully going out of their way to fight supporters of the opposite team.

I can not see how a team losing a game can provoke such a reaction.

  1. Eh, I don’t need am excuse to beat my wife but it does help if we lose by more than 3 points.

  2. Tensity followed by failure resulting in extreme disappointment which causes anger. While besting your wife isn’t justifiable in almost any circumstance I don’t talk to my PawPaw when the Cowboys lose.

  3. Beats me. I imagine it’s some primal tribal instinct causing them to resort to their base evolutionary principles of “ooga booga my tribe strong”

    Also, it’s one of the few things men are allowed to express emotions over, so they could just be pouring all their pent up shit into “muh sports team”

  4. Football is a reason to meet mates and enjoy some time together. Booze leads to everything else

  5. It’s simple. A lot of sports fans have less brain activity than children, and think the whole world revolves around sports. As someone who grew up living with one, I couldn’t detest sports fans more

  6. Like I wonder what kind of reply you actually think you can get from this. Do you think those men self identify with the issues they cause? Don’t you think women choose this men to some degree?

  7. Football its about honour, about family and friends, about being part of a group or something bigger than you.

    This sport is the link between father, brothers and friends. Is something you do since childhood.

    As a sport itself, is something really Fun to play.

    In Brazil, many compare it to politics. Many people are unreasonable with It. For many, is about being right and being part of the right “group”.

    Football is One of those unpredictable things that let life funnier. Some of those things better than money.

  8. A lot of alcohol and betting. They’re hooligans. And they’re actually a minority in the world of sports fans but it never excuses their action.

  9. My mother acts the same way regarding football, and a lot of other womans in my family as well. If her team loses it’s like the rest of the day suddenly turned dark for her – she isn’t violent, but surely sometimes loses her temper. Even though, yeah, I can see mostly men doing that, my family is a precise example that woman can also act the same way.

    But, anwsering your question, I would say that people like soccer, as any other competitive sport with teams, because we’re social beings. We like being part of a group, cheering for that group, feeling emotions regarding them – may it be good or bad. It feels great to get upset and then rise again from the bottom. The main problem is when any kind of overreaction happen, as you described. Violent overreactions are more related to men because que have testosterone, which makes us more agitated and ready for conflict – even though testosterone alone wouldn’t be enough to cause that. But summon this with the type of creation the guy had or how his psyche works and you have a receip for sudden violence. This doesn’t justify or makes these actions fair, just explain them.

  10. Because they’re morons whose self-esteem relies heavily upon tribalism. That’s why they obsess so heavily over tribalistic nonsense like football teams and flags.

    Everyone calls himself an “individualist”, but the truth is that a lot of people are basically lemmings. They need the psychological reassurance of belonging to a group from which they can derive all of their opinions and sense of self-worth. And when someone disrespects that group or the group is embarrassed in some way, they take it *very* personally.

  11. For some guys that’s all they really have to look forward to or get excited about.

  12. They have emotional attachment and regulation issues.

    There’s a reason they call it “the opium of the masses”.

    People take drugs when they have an absence of love or loss of meaningful connection in their lives (traumas).

    People who behave so poorly when their team loses have much deeper problems and it’s certainly not really about the football.

  13. Maybe they placed money the couldn’t afford to lose on the outcome of the came, maybe they have anger issues or possibly a bit of both.

    I don’t follow sports and only watch if I’m out somewhere and that happens to be what is on.

  14. If a man beats his wife because of sports then there are many other problems with him that go beyond football

  15. Football is just because it is so ingrained in American society. Soccer fans outside of the USA are way crazier than American football fans are, and a big reason for this is that soccer is much more often associated with politics than American football is. Manny soccer clubs have political and ethnic identities.For example, in Scotland, Celtic FC is the club associated with Irish Republicans and Irish Catholics, whereas Rangers FC is the club associated with Scottish Protestants and British Unionism. These two political and ethno-religous groups have not liked each other for hundreds of years due to politics and imperialism. So, when one club beats another, they see it as a triumph for their ethno-religious group over another.

    Likewise, in Israel, there is a rivalry between Beitar Jerusalem FC and Hapoel Tel Aviv FC. Beitar Jerusalem is the club that represents working class Oriental Jews and the ultranationalist, anti-socialist faction within Zionism that opposes territorial concessions to Palestinians and other Arabs. Whereas, Hapoel Tel Aviv FC is the club that represents middle and upper class Central and Eastern European Jews who generally support socialism and a two state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. In Israel’s earlier years, European Jews persecuted Oriental Jews. So, Beitar hates Hapoel not only for political reasons, but also because they are resentful of the discrimination they endured in Israel’s early years at the hands of European Jews. Beitar also has a rivalry with Sakhnin FC, a Palestinian football club in Israel that supports Palestinian nationalism and anti-Zionism. I think you can guess why Beitar and Sakhnin don’t like each other.

    Similarly, in Spain, Barcelona and Real Madrid don’t like each other dating back to the Spanish Civil War. Real Madrid was the club associated with Francisco Franco and the fascists, and Barcelona was the club associated with the Republican Socialists.

    This is a reason why there is a fierce rivalry.So, politics, religion, and ethnic identity are a reason why men get so hung up about soccer outside of the USA.

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