What are some goals and dreams that you want to achieve in the next 10-15 years

  1. to be a mom. it is my dream and one of the only things keeping me going in life.

  2. Home owner and better luck with cars (2nd tire change in 6 months due to puncture)

  3. Be in a career track that I actually somewhat enjoy, own a home, have a loving partner, travel the world.

  4. Have a condo, have my debts paid off and have enough cash to travel multiple times a year.

    Depending on if my current pursuits work out correctly, I love the idea of teaching uni classes in different universities around the world as a contract instructor type situation. I don’t know how feasible this will be but I’ll certainly give it a shot.

  5. Travel to more countries, I have a list of places I want to go before Iā€™m 30, married, have a networth over $100K, and adopted a dog or two.

  6. Have a family with my soulmate and have our own beautiful house. Have a career where I love going to work. Being so genuinely in love with every aspect of my life.

  7. Build my portfolio and finances until I can travel stress free. I want to live in Uk for 6months and 6months in Europe back and forth haha šŸ˜‚ I want to learn French living in Paris, to cook in Italy, and to Dance in Spain. I want to live life completely free and maybe have a romance or two. Maybe write. Book about my adventures or paint/sketch.

  8. Hopefully already done with menopause. Son should be in college. And looking forward to 12 more years of work until I can retire. Ughh!

  9. Homeownership (should happen in about 6-8 months if I can stick to my budget)

    Finishing school (had kids as a late teen and didn’t finish high-school until mid 20s been working on a bachelors degree a few years now but due to rona still have 2 years to go!)

    Starting working in a higher position in my field – work in my field now (thanks to Rona workplaces are desperate and willing to overlook my lack of degree but its entry level and the job is stressful and pay is shit… but I’m paying my dues while in school so when I finish I’ll have a few years relevant experience under my belt)

    Purchasing a 2nd property (a piece of land) to build my dream house on one day šŸ™‚

    Setting up school savings accounts for my children and retirement accounts for them and making small but meaningful contributions to both regularly!

    And finally getting into shape – it was better being overweight in my 20s because I had tons of energy still and thought “I’ve got more time ill start tomorrow” but ever since I turned 29 the energy is almost gone and I’m 30 now and I’m worried if I don’t change now in 10 years i’ll be very unhealthy and have 0 energy or motivation so health is #1 right now.

    Travel!! I’ve never been anywhere – ever! Basically visited the same 10 cities/towns in my immediate are my entire life, never been on a plane or train anywhere. I want to see so many places! After I buy my house I’m setting up a travel fund so when the kids go to college (since I’ll only be in my late 30s) I will take a year off and see the world!

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