I mean, can I accomplish that? Can I befriend all people/almost all people around me? Or should I just aim to get to know a few people with whom I can feel really comfortable?

Edit: to give some context, I’m in college, and I would like to meet a build rapport with a lot of people, but I actually feel that I only get to do it with some people, so I don’t know if this is normal or if the problem is that I have some bad social skills

  1. You’re never gonna please everyone but yea there’s things you can do to please more people. Generally giving off good vibes is a big one. Good clothes, grooming (first impressions matter), smile, laugh, always have something to look forward to/talk about.

  2. Well first of all everyone is going to want to be friends. Also, you can be FRIENDLY with a large amount of people, but you can’t sustain being actual “friends” with everyone you meet. But college is a great time to meet large amounts of people and a good amount of those people will be willing to be friends or at least be friendly with other people.
    It is very normal to only be able to build rapport with a few people. Otherwise everyone would be something like a local celebrity in their own town. Most people have a few friends, some people have a few groups of friends, and then a few people seem to have friends everywhere they go or can instantly make friends anywhere they go. But that’s not the norm and those people have excellent social skills or at least something inside them that drives them to do that.

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