First of all, i don’t find myself the most interesting person and many of my subjects aren’t actually deep, so it’s not like i feel better than everyone. The real problem is that whenever i try to socialize i’m often obligated to listen to topics in which i have absolutely no interest, and i can’t even fake it. Some of you may say: “Well, if you’re not enjoying the conversation, then you can simply leave at anytime”. Yeah, i know that, but i’m currently trying to be more social not with my friends and family only, but everyone, and that’s why i’m struggling so much. For me, being able to understand other people’s views and make they like me (in a non-malipulative way) is a very valuable skill.

  1. You could try changing the subject and talk about other interests, or yours for that matter. It won’t be considered rude because after all, you did try and listen to them. But the thing is, it is just not possible to get along with everyone so if there is nothing there in a conversation, you can excuse yourself and leave. Leave and find someone else to talk to and see where it goes. Faking it can only take you so far because people will see it through eventually.

  2. Faking it is the essential skill you need in the real world.

    Start practicing these simple moves: Nod your head. go, ‘hmmmm’. scratch your chin. Looking up and to the right.

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