I recently got out of my first nd only relationship
I got into the relationship when i was 15. Now I’m 24. I have this constant feeling that I’ll end up alone, and I’m scared and i do not know how to stay by myself. Not having one person as yours, I’ve never been this way.

Any guy i see, I’m like can he be it? But again, i repel with certain aspects of them. I really do.not know how to stop feeling sad for my pathetic self.


  1. We as a species instinctually want to mate and pair bond. It is something we naturally want to do. Wanting to be single is actually fighting against our programming. Obviously we have logic and reasoning so if you think its best for you to stay single then go for it but understand that its not what out lizard brain wants

  2. Talk to someone, create something, pick up a hobby. Focus on yourself and what makes you _you_. Sometimes we need to be alone in order to grow.

  3. I have a job and a couple of hobbies. There’s just not enough hours in the day for me to have time to feel lonely.
    Makes me wonder how people have time to not be single…

  4. When you start to get confused

    Because of thoughts in your head,

    Don’t feel those feelings!

    Hold them in instead

  5. Okay stay with me on this (warning sarcasm)
    You could, move out of the civilized world, preferably to some sort of area somewhat rich in flora and fauna, like a forest. Build a house there of wood, live off of nature, and if ever someone does come by risking your potential to stay single, invite them in and offer them food, then poison it with whatever is avaible to you, and when they die, eat them for more easy food.
    Eventually your spirit will merge with that of a wendigo and at that point there’s little chance you’ll ever be not single.

    Joke aside, just do what you like doing, do it a lot, if there’s something you want to try, do it. Don’t think too much on other people, be friendly and nice, hang with friends, and if someone cool comes along, let it play it. I know it’s easy to say “don’t think too much” but you’ll get there by focusing on other things. I apologize for my joke but I couldn’t help it.

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