What prepared you for the challenges women face?

  1. Reading works by women, esp feminist stuff. Fiction, non-fiction everything.

  2. My Mama. She handled life with grace and strength, taught me many lessons along the way.

  3. I’m originally from a small village with way more men then women. Growing up, my group of friends was mostly boys and the women around me were very strong women( in all senses of the word). So, I was raised with the mentality, if boys can do it, I can do it.

  4. I’m lucky enough never to have faced any woman-specific challenges (sexism, harassment etc). I think one of the big reasons is because my family prepared me for the world exactly the same way as they would with any child, boy or girl. Nothing particular was expected of me because I was female, nobody ever made me feel unsafe or like I had anything to be scared of as a girl – I was just a person like everyone else.

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