So I haven’t lived in my hometown (6 hours away) for a few years now. I’m one of a handful from the friend group that relocated.

I dated a guy for a bit, and then had a complicated long distance thing when he moved that ultimately failed. I met a wonderful guy pretty soon after. We dated in privacy for a bit before we made it official this past December. I told a few of my current town friends in January, and then everyone else in my current town kind of just found out via word of mouth or social media. The details people know are limited. I hated having a bunch of eyes/opinions on my previous relationship.

I didn’t say anything to my hometown friends. Tbh, I’m the only one who consistently tries in the friendship and I was sick of it. I always go to visit them(which costs time and money), I always coordinate the FaceTimes, & sometimes my texts would be ignored. I also felt like they were a little judgey/insensitive about my previous relationship (they judged long distance, and the age gap. he was 29, I was 23. Well, I’m now 25, and my new boyfriend is 33.).So I just wasn’t in a rush to say anything to them.

I eventually began to post pics here and there Of my boyfriend and I (he’s the first boyfriend I’d ever posted on social media!) and figured if anyone was curious, they could just ask on there. At our 6 month anniversary(Father’s Day weekend), I brought him to my mom’s house for the first time. We took a BRIEF trip up to my hometown to show him some hometown staples of mine. I posted some of this on social media, and I could see that my hometown friends saw the posts.

A week later, I get cornered in a group chat with them. It was the first time we’d talked in a bit. obviously beating around the bush, asking how I am, asking how my ex is (when it’s obvious we were broken up), etc. I answered how I was, but didn’t answer the question about my ex. It felt bait-y.They then immediately insisted on FaceTiming. I explained that I was unavailable (I had work the next morning), and I was ignored. They proceeded with the facetime and I guess they all talked about me. Because I woke up to texts from them accusing me of being distant, secretive, etc about my boyfriend. they were upset that I came to my hometown without telling them.

My rebuttal was that they’re not technically entitled to things about me, but that I would have told them eventually. I said that they barely made an effort to initiate contact with me. I told them that if they wanted to see me, they could have contacted me/offered to come to my moms house/come visit me in my current town, but that they can’t keep expecting me to make all the effort.

It’s been at least 3 weeks now, no response. They still view all of my social media posts. Should I say anything else to them?

Tl;dr : I entered a new relationship without formally telling my hometown friends. They found out through social media. I didn’t rush to tell them, since they make weak efforts in our friendship, and judged my previous relationship, but I would have eventually. They’re mad and haven’t spoken to me in weeks.

  1. You need to stop caring what these people think. They are infantile. Do what you want and live your life. Block them so they can’t keep tabs on your shit- they aren’t worth it.

  2. I don’t really see what you personally did to them… you guys are several hours away from each other and were clearly drifting apart, mainly thanks to them. Why does your new relationship effect them so much? It literally has nothing to do with them, and they had so many opportunities to ask about it. The group chat seemed like a way to gang up on you/put you in an uncomfortable position.

    And just because your visit home, does not mean you need to drop everything to see them. They seem entitled. Especially when they don’t bother to visit you. Why bother with them?

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