What are some possible reasons you don’t see a lot of breast implants on guys?

  1. … We aren’t supposed to have breasts, hell mine almost killed me (had male breast cancer lol, had a mastectomy, chemo, and radiation)

    Yes we do have breast tissue, but not enough for breasts as women do, theirs serve a purpose to attract a mate, and feed their offspring… Men’s are pointless

  2. If any guy were interested in growing his chest for any reason they could do it at the gym for far cheaper than surgery.

  3. guys notice womens breast maybe more then women do and guys understand it probaly would hurt the back mutch and body to place big breast on body.

    and many would look in a WTF way who many guys dont like if them had breast.

    many guys like league on stomach and have hobbies and stuff to do, and to have big breast who com in the way is not many guys want when them shold do hobbies or rest.

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