What differentiates verbal harassment/verbal abuse from sexual degradation?

  1. I’m sure there’s a Venn Diagram for that. Is the harassment sexual? All abuse is degrading.

  2. The distinction between verbal harassment and verbal abuse can be confusing, as there is no legal difference between verbal harassment and verbal abuse. Harassment, as a noun, describes the attack itself. Abuse refers to the improper use or treatment of something.

  3. If I am understanding your question correctly, the difference is consent. Sexual degredation is an agreed upon aspect by two consenting adults in a safe and comfortable environment with measures in place should things need to be changed.

  4. Assuming you’re talking about sexual degradation that’s been consented to and where both/all partners in the partnership have discussed boundaries and the like–that’s the difference. If you’re calling your sexual partner names because they’ve told you that they’d like to try that out, even if it turns out they don’t actually like it and they don’t want you to do it again–both of you consented to it. If you’re calling your sexual partner names because you’re in a Mood and they’re pissing you off, that’s bullshit.

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