This may be a bit controversial, and there are definitely extremes to this, but there are biological hard wired reasons men tend to date younger women, and women tend to date older men.

It mostly comes down to preference and the fact that all humans (all animals really) are designed to generate the most fit offspring they can.

Women are generally interested in men who have a really solid sense of who they are, are financially secure, and who can lead and protect them and the family. These men are often older because it takes a long time to figure out who you are and to develope these characteristics(for anyone)

Men are generally interested in women who are physically beutiful, loyal, can provide positive company. I agree that any women of any age can have these attributes but for the physical beauty side of things younger women are more likely to have that first component + are more likely able to carry a child to term.

Some men who dont have a true sense of who they are may date younger women for manipulative reasons. For these men I say: leadership is not about control of anything or anyone external, but instead is about control of yourself. If you lead from the correct place you will be rewarded with trust love and faith. However if you are looking for someone to follow with no sense of internal direction than you are not leading but manipulating, and therefore living in an inauthentic way.

Anyway I just thought it would be interesting to open a dialogue around this subject and maybe challenge the automatic attack mechanisms some of us may have around this.

  1. >Some men who dont have a true sense of who they are may date younger women for manipulative reasons.

    A very moot point .. Most men can’t just go out and date younger women .. No interest from younger women interest to be honest


    So the main point of this is “Some men” .. In order to date younger women at will (more than a couple of years younger that is) is that you need to be quite attractive.


    And sure .. quite attractive guys can do whatever and will usually get away with it .. like du’h 😀

  2. Honestly i just wish i was attractive. I think my life would have been better

  3. You’re not saying anything remotely controversial. It’s tired points made many times before.

  4. It’s true that physical attractiveness is a much more significant factor in mate selection for men than for women. And resource gathering (financial stability in the modern equivalent) is a much more significant factor for women, than for men.

    But we are also intelligent and emotional creatures that do not purely rely on evolutionary instinct. People can, and very frequently do, make mate choices that are not purely in line with “survival and reproduction.”

    In other words, it’s always a combination of nature and nurture. People who think it’s purely one or the other are completely ignoring reality.

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