What stereotype or image do you have of girls who’s fathers financially help/support them/take care of them

  1. I consider anyone living off their parents’ dime to be privledged. If they aren’t in school, my perception of that person is that they are immature.

  2. Privileged. Obnoxious. Usually white. Never had a hard day in her life. Not worth my time and effort.

  3. You’re a rich girl and you’ve gone too far, cause you know it don’t matter anyway.

    You can rely on the old man’s money

  4. Spoiled brats to a certain extent, never satisfied, doesn’t take the word “no” too well

  5. I dated this gal who was really well off. She was alright and down to earth, and her dad was a lot like Bryan Cranston personality wise. Her dad ended up liking me a whole lot and offered to buy me a car like it was a candy bar. It really comes down to how she acts, as long as there’s no conflict because of her wealth it’s cool.

  6. Like to give everyone a chance. Wouldn’t make assumptions until i have meet them

  7. “Maybe you have a trust fund. Maybe you’ll have a wealthy spouse. But you never know when either one might run out.”

  8. My current gf’s dad makes about 250k a year, he’s pretty well off. She’s always had it made. She’s getting read to move out with me and basically be broke as fuck with me so we can start our life together.

  9. If you were a father and had the means to take care of your children, wouldn’t you do the same? Sure, if the children act privileged like they made all that money, then you can criticize them for that. But there is nothing wrong with receiving money from your parents.

  10. So, marrying money. Everybody likes money, right? Except you’re going to be the one who married *into* money, not the one who actually had the money, and ain’t no one ever gonna forget it, either. And Daddy will be a permanent fixture in *your* life, and believe me he will be a fuck of a lot less nice to you than he is to his Special Little Girl.

  11. It’s understandable with the state of the world right now. Housing crisis, no health care, student loans, no livable wages and gas prices

  12. I wish I had a Daddy, nonetheless with money. Must be nice. I’ve had to work for everything. Started working when I was 13 or 14. Oh well.

  13. They’ll ‘probably’ be spoilt brats with an over inflated opinion of their worth. Somehow their ‘daddys’ money means ‘they’ are wonderful.

    Generally high maintenance for little value.

  14. Depends on what they are doing. If they are in their mid to late 20s and their “daddy” buys them a fancy car and they show it off like they earned the car then I’m going to think of them as shallow.

  15. Most likely lazy as fuck spoiled brats looking for a man to take over daddy’s position while offering nothing but starfish sex.

  16. At what age? Up until shortly after you graduate is fine, but beyond that you should be adjusting to the lifestyle you can afford. If you don’t have any debt and have a decent job, it should be pretty good. If daddy paid for school, your car, and helped you out with a couple months rent, that’s perfectly fine. You’ve been set up for success, and I think most parents would love to do that for their children.

    If you live a life of excess after college, I would be pretty concerned about your long-term viability as a partner. When will daddy expect me to pay for your life style? Do I even agree with how you spend money? Do you understand how to be financially responsible if you never had to be up until this point? If he keeps giving you money, is he going to have weird expectations of me? Is he going to constantly look down on me if I can’t compete financially?

    From personal experience, I dated a girl who came from money. I did not grow up poor, but she was on a very different level. Dad did earn the money on his own as primary partner of a very popular law firm. The family was very kind to me, and my girlfriend then was very sweet but airheaded. Other big issues were that she really had no idea how money worked and was unintentionally very inconsiderate due to the level of service she was accustomed to. Her dad also made a comment once that “staying with her would probably be very lucrative for me.” I honestly did not appreciate having that out in the air, I thought it was tainting the idea of the relationship moving forward because there would be a payday. I know he meant well, and that I made his daughter happy, but I also know he said it because his daughter was likely to have limited romantic options due to her airheadedness. She didn’t seem like she would ever be a real partner I could forge a path with. It would just be me bringing her along for the ride.

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