Did you go to your 10-year high school reunion? And why did you regret going/not going?

  1. No. I was back in my hometown that weekend for a rare visit and even so I felt like I had better things to do. No regrets — I saw the pictures and didn’t feel like I missed anything.

  2. No, I was pretty sick at the time, so my priorities were elsewhere. I’d probably have gone otherwise.

  3. I did not go. I was pregnant and it was very alcohol-focused, so did not interest me one bit.

    What I find funny is that our 25th reunion was cancelled due to lack of interest. Haha, high school reunions are being killed off by technology.

  4. Ours got cancelled because of covid, but i would have gone. I think it just would have been nice to have a chat with everyone. I got along fine with pretty much everyone in my year, but of course you can’t keep up with all of them after graduating.

  5. The year came and went and I didn’t even think about it.

    If it had been a thing, I wouldn’t have gone. I still keep in touch with a few friends from high school. If I wanted to see everyone else, I would. But i don’t.

  6. Nope, no regrets.

    Even if you paid me 10 thousand dollars it wouldn’t be worth it.

  7. Fuck no. I hated those people, I’m definitely not going back to that shit on my own time.

  8. No. I don’t regret my choice at all. I didn’t have any interest in going, so I didn’t.

  9. Honestly, don’t even know if we had one. It would have been this year. There’s not many I care about and if I did, we’re still in touch

  10. Nope, I didn’t go. The people I’m still in contact with from high school are the only high-school people I want contact with. I’m genuinely not interested in what anyone else is doing. High school sucked ass.

  11. No. I’ve kept in touch with the handful of people I liked in high school. Idgaf about the rest of them.

  12. Hah no way. I went to four different high schools, which made it just a little difficult to actually make friends. I made exactly one friend in high school that I was still speaking to ten years later, and couldn’t even tell you the names of my classmates or teachers or anything from any of my high schools. There was honestly and truly no point in going.

  13. I have my in the next few months and I really don’t want to go so I’m loving seeing that this is a normally feeling. I went on to university and keep in touch with those people, I wouldn’t really want to see anyone from high school.

  14. I haven’t had my ten year reunion yet. No, I will for sure not be attending. In life, we’ve all moved on. I’d prefer to keep it in the past.

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