How important is routine in your life?

  1. I can’t function without them.

    My oddest one is probably turning on the kitchenette light when I fill up my water pitcher. I need two passes to fill it up all the way because the filter inside the pitcher needs a bit of time to work, so after the first fill I leave the light on because I know leaving the light on will irritate me so I’ll get up to turn it off after a few minutes. I’ll notice the pitcher is ready for the rest of its water and fill it up while I’m up.

    I am serious when I say if I don’t do this, I will probably forget I have water setting out. I’ve left it there half-filled overnight many times.

  2. Incredibly.

    Having a kid and being forced into a routine has improved my life 10x.

  3. Im looking at changing jobs or demoting myself to have more reasonable shifts and have a set routine, get up and bedtime etc as at the moment im shattered all day due to shift work etc and dont have any motivation for hobbies. Also my IBS is terrible as my meals are all over the show

  4. It’s a bit important because I need to get to work on time. Also if I stay up late I’ll have no energy during the day.

  5. Extremely important during the work week, though on the weekend I typically didnt have schedule until I started going back to church and doing Jiu Jitsu.

  6. Being autistic, its literally the most important thing I can do for my mental health.

  7. *Incredibly* important. I may have autism, so that could be why, but to me if I don’t have routine or structure I’ll *make* routine or structure. Oddly enough I hate the thought of a structured job (being told what to do, when to do it). One thing I struggle to understand is people who do *nothing* all day. Or..minimal activity, or things being ‘whenever.’ I get anxious if I’m lazy til ten o’clock in the morning.

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