i’m looking for success stories right now because i am struggling a lot with this.

my boyfriend (20M) of two years and i (20F) broke up a couple weeks ago to give me time to work on my mental health. i have borderline personality disorder, and this was causing issues in our relationship that grew to be unhealthy. i’m getting treatment now, we both just agreed that we should part ways until i’m a bit better and until he’s ready. we both still love and miss each other very much and we have made it clear that both of us want to try again. it was the healthiest decision and i don’t disagree with it, i just miss him.

we were friends for years before we started dating and our relationship was beautiful. we have great chemistry and similar interests, our goals and views align with eachother as well. the only thing that went wrong was me.

i think we can successfully try again someday when i’m in a better position for a relationship, but i just have this lingering fear that he’s going to move on and never come back. i know he’s my ex so i don’t have any control over that, i just want to hear some success stories to make myself feel less anxious about the whole thing.

tdlr; my boyfriend and i broke up recently with intentions to get back together, but i’m nervous we won’t. looking for people who have successfully gotten back with their ex for stories and advice.

  1. No you don’t break up to get back together. It’s not fair to anybody. You’re either together or you’re not.

  2. Ok.

    Well, when I was a little older than you, my boyfriend didn’t know if he was ready to commit as he had lingering fears from his parents’ terrible marriage. We eventually got back together (he came to his senses) and have been married for a long time now.

    So there’s a success story.

    But….I think the success story you should be focusing on in this instance is yourself. Work on your recovery. Work on your own happiness independent of someone else. Don’t worry about the future, because if you’re a healthier person in the future, you’ll have other happy and/or fulfilling relationships after this one…if that is what happens.

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