I’ve been using head and shoulders for years but it only works if I’m doing it every single day, and that’s not great.

I get it in my beard too.

I’m looking for some solid hygienic product recommendations. Whatcha got?

  1. Luke warm water. All shampoos, including H&S and even prescription dandruff shampoo, just makes my shit worse. I just wash my hair with water and I legitimately get quite a lot of compliments on my long clean healthy looking hair.

    Ditch the shampoo. It’ll feel and look pretty icky for a week or two until your natural oils start doing what they’re meant to do again and your pH levels balance out or whatever, but after that the dandruff nightmare could very well be over for you. It was for me.

  2. Shower with colder water, I dealt with dandruff for a long time and tried many products, once I changed the temperature it went away

  3. Something with tee tree oil should do you pretty good. Worked for me, hope it does for you too

  4. Shampoo with selinium sulfide. That stuff eliminates my dandruff just using it every 1-2 weeka. Do not use it daily.

  5. Unless you have a hormonal condition of producing excessive dandruffs, then changing the way you shampoo your hair can reduce the dandruffs.

    For example, I used to use H&S and blow dry my hair which made me look [I was from the 2000s](https://i.imgur.com/muFjR8S.jpg). I also thought I had a medical condition that increased dandruff, but turns out I didn’t know how to look after my hair ([a photo I took this week for comparison purposes](https://i.imgur.com/LDDzZ9L.jpg)).

    Some things that can reduce the amount of dandruffs:

    – Slowly apply shampoo and wait for 2-3 minutes, let it sink *(I didn’t know how effective this was before trying)*
    – Make sure you rinse your hair properly and don’t leave any shampoo or conditioner
    – Blow dryer can damage the hair because it’s very hot making the skin crack. I started patting my hair with a fibre towel (aka old tshirt).
    – Applying conditioner with coconut oil. Dandruff means your hair dry and conditioner can moisturise it.
    – Not showering in very high temperature. For the same reason above, this damages the scalp and the hair.
    – Changing the shampoo to a less damaging one (e.g., one which doesn’t include *sulphates* or *silicones*)

    I hope these help!

  6. I had horrible dandruff. Nothing worked. Nizoral was a game changer. I’m a woman so my hair is longer most likely but I wash my hair every 3-4 days. When I first started nizoral, I would use it with ever wash, when I noticed my dandruff reducing, I would use it every other wash. H&S is a really horrible brand because it leaves parabens and dries out your hair and scalp.

    I highly suggest getting Nizoral and a decent shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. I can help you with that if you need 🙂

  7. I simply changed shampoos until I found one that didn’t give me any dandruff. Currently I’m using a shampoo with royal jelly (the stuff queen bees eat). It also helped with hair loss. A very cheap shampoo but but it taught me that a good one doesn’t need to be expensive.

  8. Low carb diet.

    100% remission within a few weeks.

    Cold bath/showers also do a pretty good job if you wanna keep eating garbage.

  9. I use Clear shampoo 3x a week. However, I found out years ago I was getting dandruff cuz I’d go to sleep with damp hair. Once I started to blow my hair dry I never got it again.

  10. I’ve been using Head and Shoulders for about 15 years now.

    I used to have huge dandruff problems, but haven’t even seen a flake since I started it.

    If it’s not working for you, they have stronger versions, or maybe see a doctor to see if there are any medical strength shampoos or medications you can get for dandruff (I’m honestly not sure what’s out there, I’ve never tried anything else as H&S seems to work).

  11. I’ve been r/nopoo for about a year, and my hair and scalp have never been better. I daily wash with a mixture of water, apple cider vinegar, and lavender essential oil. I rub a tiny amount of coconut oil in my scalp as needed.

  12. Went to a dermatologist and got prescription grade shampoo with 2 percent ketokonazole, it does the trick.

  13. I used head and shoulders daily since childhood because it was the shampoo my father used, I thought I had dandruff but once I stopped using H&S it cleared up.

  14. Use head and shoulders shampoo and conditioner that are SEPARATE not the 2-in-1. And only wash your hair every other day. Using shampoo every day can actually make the dandruff worse.

  15. What helped me get rid of mines was cutting my hair short (around 1 inch) to.let it gt air. I also stopped drinking coffee and drank more water. For shampoo I used t gel twice a week minimum. Just in case it helps anyone.

  16. Shower daily but only wash hair with soap / shamp on the 3rd or 4th day. In other words, wash thoroughly with soap / shamp, and then the next few days only rinse scalp. Your natural oils should do a lot to help prevent dandruff.

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