From my gf’s words, my dick is a bit too long for her and keeps hitting her cervix, which she dislikes. We both don’t have much experience yet and only used missionary, doggy-style and cowgirl, and only the latter doesn’t hurt her because she has control. I try my best to not go as deep, but in the heat of the moment balls-deep just feels too good.

Maybe there are some positions we can try that would prevent me from going too deep?

  1. she lays on her belly, legs straight. you on top. her butt cheeks won’t let you too deep

  2. I second buying the silicon rings, and I’d be careful to not let “your best” get away from you too often — nothing kills libido like the thought of being punched in the cervix the whole time and hunched over in pain while your partner has the time of his life

  3. Get an o-nut. It stops you from being able to fully penetrate her and will allow the both of you to find a depth where it’s comfortable and pleasurable for both of you.

  4. Others have mentioned the silicon rings. There’s a brand worth checking out called Ohnut. Worth a Google.

  5. Honestly, She might not be aroused/wet enough which can automatically make it more painful. Try using extra lube in various positions to see what feels good for her and go deeper slowly vs going balls deep all at once

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