What’s a song that makes you think of your SO that isn’t necessarily a love song?

  1. My deceased wife’s favorite song was called: “Mayonaise” off of the “Siamese Dream” album – Smashing Pumpkins. It’s rare that I hear that song, but it always reminds me of her.

  2. Mandolin Range – Bruce Hornsby and the range.

    My late wife used to love to snuggle up with me under a blanket and watch the rain to that song.

  3. Wave(s)- Lewis Del Mar

    It’s one of the first songs she showed me and it really stuck with me. I also just love the lyrics and what the song is about

  4. It’s my life by Bon Jovi. Before we met she was having a hard time at home. She was growing up, doing some dumb shit at the same time, but her parents specifically treated her like a child. This was her song for that period. Now that she’s passed the lyrics have a different meaning.

  5. David Bowie, Starman. David Bowie is English and so is my boyfriend. It’s stupid logic but it just reminds me of him. Especially the song Starman for some reason.

  6. I’m really dating myself here. The guy I had been seeing had asked me multiple times to marry him and I kept putting him off because I was pretty young and not ready to settle down yet. However I knew that I had to either say yes or cut things off shortly, so I took myself for a drive to try to make up my mind. Goodbye to You by Scandal came on the radio as I was driving around and hearing it forced me to imagine saying goodbye to this guy. I made a decision and we’ve been married for 38 years.

  7. There’s this not very popular song called “she’s crazy but she’s mine”, great/funny video, I tell my wife that she is her

  8. Any song by One Direction. They’re her favourite band so anytime I hear their music, I think of her.

  9. My ex-wife used to watch a lot of sex in the City and now whenever I hear the sex in the City theme song I think of her.

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