Men why did you make the mistake of putting woman on your deed?

  1. What does that mean ??

    The more I be on reddit the more I truly understand how little I know English

  2. ‘Cause you ain’t done nuthin to earn a share of this ranch, son. Ellie-Mae done worked hard, dug the garden, brought the cows in, brought the wheat in, was out there with me fixin fences, digging the culvert when it slid-in. Hell she even fixes the truck and the tractor; and she figured out how to circumvent them Deere anti-u-fixit whachamacallers. All while taking care of Billie-Mac and putting herself through vet tech school. Meanwhile your up in your gol-danged room all day playing vidya games and complaining about your bone spurs. Bone spurs my ass, if there was a swimsuit model holding a twinkie up the end of the laneway you’d be there faster’n old Clyde in stud season.

  3. Unfortunately this happened to a friend of mine. In a nutshell: met girl on online dating, fell in love, bought a house together (within fk 9 months???!), decided to get a kid after 1 year, 2 months after kid was born girl decided to leave, now is living with another girlfriend in a student appartement due to debt. Always fighting with his ex girlfriend just to see his own f daughter. I wish I was making this up.

    So yeah… never will happen.

  4. I had this argument with my EX. She wanted a house. I said ok…. She said she wanted her name on it. I said no. Her mother chimed in and said her name should be on it. I again said no. They asked why?

    We’re not married and it’s my money.

    Right after that she demanded I purpose to her within a year and buy her a house. It was ok though, she picked one out 5 mins from her mother.

    We broke up shortly after this.

  5. We bought it together, it’s not as though it was only my money. Wouldn’t make sense to be only my property.

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